Aruna Papp is a nationally and internationally recognized educator and advocate of human rights. Her focus is on women’s rights in cross-cultural perspectives. She has written extensively on the issues facing immigrant women in Canada, and culturally rooted gender based violence.

She is also a survivor of 18 years of domestic violence. Her marriage was arranged when she lived in India and she came to Canada in 1972 with a 3rd grade education and two little girls. Aruna has since earned two Masters degrees, founded three agencies in Ontario to help immigrant women and their families, and volunteered on a number of boards and committees. For 30 years Aruna worked as a Counsellor/Therapist assisting families dealing with domestic violence.

She has produced several training resources including videos and training guides that deal with cultural conflicts when counselling immigrant families dealing with domestic violence. She is a published author and in demand as a Keynote speaker.

Book launch

Aruna’s recent book “Unworthy Creature: A Punjabi Daughter’s Memoir of Honour, Shame and Love” was launched in the parliament by Rona Ambrose, The Minister for Status of Women and Speaker of the Senate the Honourable Noel A. Kinsello.
Aruna is the recipient of several awards and recognitions from Governmental and non-profit agencies which include:

  • Outstanding Achievement Award – DESI
  • Life Time Achievement Award – South Asian Community in Toronto
  • National Commemorative Award
  • Volunteer Recognition – Centennial College
  • Women of Distinction Award – YWCA, Toronto
  • Women on the Move Award – Sun, Toronto Paper