Inspirational Keynote Speaker Aruna speaks at community centers and churches. Her story has inspired many, and her message is fuel for discussion.

She is a hard-working volunteer, committed to creating awareness of the issues and to providing real-world understanding.

If you are interested in having Aruna speak to your group or at your conference, please fill out the contact form below.


Hats off to Aruna Papp – for raising awareness of the horrific issue of so-called “honour” crimes. Her courage, wisdom, and compassion will shed light on what is going on right here in Canada – so that this can hopefully be stamped out in very short order. I applaud her bravery!
CBC Radio -Listener Response

Once again thank you for being the keynote speaker at our conference. The effectiveness of the conference can best be described “as a catalyst” to drive the need of participants for more knowledge on this important topic.
A/Sgt Anil Singh, Vancouver Police Department

I am writing to express our great thanks to you for participating as the keynote speaker in our conference.

Your presentation on gender-based violence and honor violence was incredibly well received by all conference participants, and given high praise. It really opened my mind to the way we define and understand violence in our communities, and how much we generalize a phenomenon that is in fact a grouping of many distinguished and unique issues in their own right.

We thank you for sharing your story with us, and for inspiring our committee and our participants to continue to investigate the gender issues in our communities.
Madeleine Orr, Vice-President of Social Affairs, PIDSSA

I was very moved by Aruna Papp and her discussion of the horrible lives many females face day to day, even in Canada. I agree with her assessment that the basis of honour culture is not a religious issue having been a teacher in a school with great cultural diversity. Like the police, I think that even well- intentioned teachers fall back on the cookie cutter approach when dealing with delicate situations, for fear of appearing to stereotype people. I find it a convoluted use of the word honour in honour killings, but I suppose even this illustrates a defect in my understanding of the absolute power of a patriarchal system. This is the issue that current ‘feminism’ should be addressing.
CBC Radio -Listener Response

Aruna deserves the highest praise for creating safe-haven sanctuary for girls who live with that threat. Yet – as a male – I was waiting to hear whether there was -at-least- some support for her, and her campaign – coming from the males in those cultures. I would even dare to hope that some men from that same cultural/religious background would join the battle in their own community to stop “honour-killing” and assist in removing that blight from their cultural and religious-beliefs — dire consequences not-with-standing.
CBC Radio -Listener Response

Thank you Aruna Papp for giving voice to millions of women who suffer silently within their own homes. People like Aruna need all the support and encouragement so that they can be successful in exposing and publicising this horror and bringing about action towards its eradication. Suffering among immigrant women can be particularly acute especially if their contact with the larger society is limited because of lack of education, past accultration, fear and lack of any personal resources. Aruna has our full support.
CBC Radio -Listener Response

I am currently trying to escape an abusive relationship and her words just uplifted me because as she said the loneliness you go through from your own community and the blame is debilitating. It is the reason why women don’t speak up or act. You helped to uplift me a bit more by standing up for my values against violence – with all the challenges that come with the choice.
CBC Radio -Listener Response

I was brought to tears today by the story of Aruna Papp, first in sorrow for her own experiences but then in a very great anger over what continues to happen, even here in Canada. It is simply unconsionable that women of a particular culture can be devalued to the point of such great abuse and murder.
CBC Radio -Listener Response